In the year 2524, four centuries after humans started colonizing the outer planets, retired General James Ford gets called back into service when a hostile alien fleet attacks soldiers on a remote planet. The threat against mankind soon escalates into an interstellar war as Ford and a team of elite soldiers try to stop the imminent attack before it’s too late.
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Views:288 views
Tagline:First contact has been made. It’s war.
Genre: Science Fiction
Quality: HD
Year: 2021
Duration: 88 Min
Budget:$ 20.000.000,00
Director:Edward Drake
Cast:Adelaide Kane, Austin Humble, Brandon Thomas Lee, Bruce Willis, C.J. Perry, Corey Large, Costas Mandylor, Eric Daniel Stumpp, Eva De Dominici, Everly Large, Francis Cronin, Frank Grillo, Johnny Messner, Lochlyn Munro, Mark Rhynard, Michelle L. Williams, Perrey Reeves, Robert Laenen, Tabitha Woodman, Trevor Brotherton, Trevor Gretzky